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Thursday, February 24, 2011




其实她们不靠男人独自奋斗到今天,三十多岁了却仍然是单身,只不过不想屈就乱谈恋爱。如果因此就把她们定义为失败,那么请问成功的定义是什么?难道有男人就是成功?如果结婚被认为是女人成功的标准,那么我看大家也不用找什么工作,实现什么抱负了,只需直接去婚介所代价而估, 一旦成功出售,就挂上一块金牌宣告成功。





Monday, February 21, 2011






前不久,张楠甩掉她的第二任男友,开始厌倦了恋爱中的这种不确定感,突然有了想结婚的念头。这时27岁的摄影师开始进入了她的视线,于是张楠决定勇敢的去追。她一开始先从短信入手,等到发展到成为无话不谈的好朋友时,张楠开始适可而止了。 她认为,一方面她对这个男人有了进一步的了解,另一方面,她也不希望给对方造成太轻易得手的感觉。因为她很清楚,男人对太容易得到手的东西一般不会太珍惜。于是她果断地试图和他保持了距离,和其他朋友相约去外底旅游。一个月之后,张楠把手机打开,发现手机里几乎全部都是那个男人的短信,讲述在她离开的这个月里,他是如何在思念的煎熬中度过的心路历程。最后一条是:“当你回来的那一刻,我希望自己有幸能成为你见到的第一个人。”这时,张楠知道了幸福就在门外。


Thursday, February 17, 2011

2RedBeans (两颗红豆)Reported by 世界日报

We are thrilled to have a full length report of 2RedBeans by world journal,  2 days before Valentine's day!   Lots and lots more Chinese girls and Chinese guys have joined us on Valentine's day.  And it is going strong.  :)

World journal online version report is here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Heat Map for Singles -- New York & SF.

Where to find people of the opposite gender.  Now, here is a map for you.  (Only available for New York and SF right now.)

You can find coffee shops, grocery stores, etc, where there are more gals than guys.  Or vice versa.  The bigger the circle, the bigger the data set.  Hover to see the striking ratio.

Check it out:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Top 10 Dating Myths

I found this article awhile back and thought it was pretty interesting. Not sure how many of these you will agree with, but still an interesting read:

Top Ten Dating Myths

By Eric J. Leech

Dating and the human brain offer such a complex array of idiosyncrasies that it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish truth from myth. Thankfully, we always have research to turn to when trying to solve the complex puzzle of the human brain. Let’s look at the top ten dating myths that have been (at least somewhat) debunked by science.

Myth 1: Bedroom Talk

There’s a lot of talk about lying in relationships, and many relationship experts claim that one of the best places to quietly discuss matters with a new lover is in the privacy of one’s bedroom. What research has found, however, is that the bedroom is actually where the greatest number of lies are told. If you want to find out what somebody is really thinking, studies show that talking around the breakfast table is the closest you’ll ever come to a truth serum.

Myth 2: Girls Are Crazy About Sensitive Men

There is a movement suggesting that what really drives women crazy is sensitive men. While women may believe that sensitive men are great, studies show that what initially catches their eye is rugged, masculine looks (square jaw, large nose, etc.) and a carefree attitude. The only time a sensitive guy (small chin, raised eyebrows, caring) might have the upper hand is when a woman is looking for a marriage partner – but too much sensitivity (being a pushover, indecisiveness) can count against him.

Myth 3: No Such Thing as Being Too Picky

If you don’t mind the possibility of keeping your own company for the duration of your life, then this may indeed be true. Otherwise, you are living in the popular myth that there is a perfect person out there for each of us. There is a very fine line between being picky and compromising the reality of your relationships. Popular research suggests that we can be perfectly happy with only 80 percent of our needs met.

Myth 4: Doesn’t Matter What They Say, I’m the Only One Who Knows

When we are newly in love or infatuation, our brains are usually so clouded with morphine-like chemicals that it’s hard to see any bad in the world, much less the bad in our new love. Usually, the people who can see the situation clearly are our friends and family, so while you may think you know better than they do, it is certainly at least worth listening to their concerns.

Myth 5: Living Together Irons Out the Wrinkles

It’s common belief that living together prior to marriage helps couples iron out the small wrinkles of joint living, but what research has found is that it actually increases your chances of divorce. Couples who choose to live together are, one, slightly hesitant about the union, and two, comfortable in the fact that if it doesn’t work out they can move on. This is the wrong mindset for a long and happy marriage.

Myth 6: Third Time’s the Charm

A lot of multiple-divorce couples like to chant “Third time’s the charm” when getting married for their third, and hopefully last, time. They feel comforted by this phrase, as does their partner in cahoots. The truth of the matter is, however, that a second marriage has a 60 to 67 percent chance of failure, while a third marriage has a dismal 73 to 75 percent chance. Don’t kid yourself.

Myth 7: Pickup Lines Never Work

Research shows that humorous and complimentary pickup lines work on some men and women if delivered with honesty, creativity and sincerity.

Myth 8: Impossible to Love Two People At Once

If an individual falls for two people who possess two very opposing, yet complimentary personalities, together they may add up to the ultimate partner. This is why it’s easier than some people think to fall in love with two people.

Myth 9: All Men are Cheaters

There is research out there stating that men are the bigger cheaters, and that it is also easy to find research pointing to men and women as cheating fairly equally, as well as evidence concluding that women are the bigger cheaters. If there is anything we can conclude from this, it’s that it is the person who cheats, and not the gender, so we should look at the individual and the signs they give (male or female) in order to decipher their potential as a mate.

Myth 10: Cold Shower

Some people believe that after a particularly heated date that ends without a bang, it’s a good idea to relieve any pent up, lingering sexual energy by taking a cold shower. What research has found, however, is cold showers actually stimulate the production of hormones and sexual desire, thereby producing the opposite effect of what one would hope.

What do you think the top dating myths that need debunking are?