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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How many people find their love online

This morning, another user told us that they found each other on 2RedBeans.  Shortly after, we found out yet another couple who met on 2RedBeans are getting married this summer.  We are so happy!

So, how many people find their love on line? Here is a excerpted survey that was recently published by Statistic Brian, and verified by Reuters, Herald News, PC World, Washington Post.
  • 54Million -- Total number of single people in the U.S
  • 40 Million -- Total number of people in the U.S. who have tried online dating
  • $239  -- Average spent by dating site customer per year
  • 18.5 Months -- Average length of courtship for marriages that met online
  • 42 Months -- Average length of courtship for marriages that met offline
  • 17 % -- Percent of marriages in the last year in which the couple met on a dating site
  • 20% -- Percent of current committed relationships that began online