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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

男女比例 : "有效范围"

— by Paul Lo, [ English | 中文 ]

上次我们谈过湾区矽谷和全美的单身男女比例和异族通婚对此的影响 (有兴趣请看我的另一博客: 矽谷单身男女比例真的那么离谱吗?) 单从这数据分析,不论湾区或全美,二十五岁以上的年轻华裔中其实是女多男少,但四十岁以下的单身华裔当中,男生还是比女生多, 但这真的是确定一个人择偶机会的最重要因素吗?


— by Paul Lo, [ English | 中文 ]

我们经常听见很多评论说湾区矽谷年轻单身男多女少。这观念在中国男生中好像特别强烈,更有说是多男配一女。虽然形成这些想法的因素有很多 (有兴趣可以看看我的另一博客 男女比例:"有效范围"),但我也好奇地去了找寻一下人口普查的确实数据,发现实际情况与很多人想象有很大的差别。

Figure 1. Male-to-Female ratios among Chinese singles in two key age ranges in Bay Area vs. U.S. (Source: U.S. Census 2010)

  1. 湾区和全美的单身华人男女比例,不论是年轻或中年的年龄层,都没有很大的分别。两种地区分域所得的结果之差基本都在一两个百分点之内,且我们从中所见的几个趋势都是一致的。
  2. 即使去除了异族通婚的因素,剩余的、调整后的单身男女比例也只增加了一至二个百分点,而且整体的趋势都没有明显的改变。
  3. 不论在湾区还是全美,二十五岁后每一年龄层中的华裔都是女多男少,不过女生比较早婚和选择年纪较大或非华裔配偶,促成了年轻单身族中男多女少。
  4. 四十岁以下的单身华人当中,整体上男生比女生多几个百分点。四十岁以后,单身男女比例开始颠倒,其一原因是女生在三十岁之后的离婚比例呈急速的增长,在高峰时比男生快了两倍以上,令很多女生回到了单身群中。

Male-Female Ratio: The "Effective Pool"

— by Paul Lo, [ English | 中文 ]

In my previous blog, I have talked about the male-female ratios among Chinese singles in Silicon Valley / Bay Area and across U.S. and the impact of interracial marriages on such ratios (see Myth Buster: Silicon Valley Male-Female Ratio). Based on that study, there are more young Chinese female than male above 25, but single male under 40 still outnumbered single female. However, is this really the most dominant factor in determining an individual's chance of finding a romantic partner?

Myth Buster: Silicon Valley Male-Female Ratio for Chinese

— by Paul Lo, [ English | 中文 ]

Every now and then we heard people saying that there are many more single males in the Silicon Valley or Bay Area than single females, especially within the younger age groups. Among Chinese male, the perception seems to be particularly extreme. Some even claimed that the ratio is many-to-one. While there are many factors that contribute to such perception than the actual numbers alone (some of such factors are covered in my other blog: Male-Female Ratio: The "Effective Pool"), it would be interesting to see whether there is really such a big difference in number. So I did a deep dive into the recent census data on the Chinese population in the various counties within the San Francisco Bay Area and across U.S. and found that the numbers seem to be very different from what many people believe.

Figure 1. Male-to-Female ratios among Chinese singles in two key age ranges in Bay Area vs. U.S. (Source: U.S. Census 2010)

Here are some of the basic findings from the study:
  1. There is very little difference in the male-female ratios among Chinese singles in the Bay Area compared to U.S. as a whole whether among the younger or older age categories. The differences are generally within 1 to 2 percentage points. The trends we are seeing seem to be common across the country, rather than a Bay Area specific phenomenon.
  2. Even after adjusting for the effect of interracial marriages, male-female ratios on the remaining Chinese singles population only changes by about 1% - 2% and the overall trends stay the same.
  3. There are actually more Chinese female in total than Chinese male for every age group above 25, whether in Bay Area or across U.S., even though the trends for singles are different.
  4. There are generally a few percentage points more Chinese single male than single female under 40, followed by a reversal on the ratio with more and more female returning back to the singles pool due to a sharp increase in the number of divorced female from age 30 onwards.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Thoughts on Dating, Sex, Love and Relationships on《爱上非诚勿扰》TV Show

As the guest of the 《爱上非诚勿扰》TV Show on ICN,  I'll be sharing my thoughts on many hot topics.

Topics include:

  • Love at first sight
  • One night stand 
  • Serendipity
  • Interracial marriage
  • Women pick up on guys
  • and much more...

Show Time: Every Tues evening, 8:55p to 9:00p for 12 weeks, starting 8/7/2012.
Channels: LA 44.6, SF 26.4, NY 24.3, Champion CH203, Comcast CH175, Charter CH.95, San Bruno CH.383, Kylin TV
Live online: