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2RedBeans // 在美华人婚嫁交友. Chinese Singles in America. // Join us now at

Friday, February 15, 2013

Speed dating matches 119 pairs

Our 2/10 speed dating had a great turn out.  82 people showed up at the event.  And we have 119 pairs of matches!!

Among the 82 participants, 8 people didn't submit their results.  We are collecting feedbacks right now. Will publish the feedback in a few days.  :)

We are so happy that so many of you got matches.  Please follow up and we hope you all have a great time!  Don't forget to tell us know if you find that special someone in this event.  :)

Happy Valentine's day!

Friday, February 1, 2013

2RedBeans is 2 years old!

Thank you, friends and families, for giving us your unmitigated support.  And for being there when we need a hand to help climb out of the bottom.

Thank you, dear users, for telling us about your love stories all this time.  These stories propels us forward.  These stories put smiles on our faces in good times, and keeps us pushing in bad time.  So please keep them coming!

Without you, we couldn't have reached where we are right now!  So, on our 2 year birthday, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!



