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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where to meet quality singles?

We run into quality singles every time we leave the house.  Most people are not aware enough to realize this.  You meet people in a grocery shop, a library, a bookstore, a gym, a party at a friend's place, or even while waiting for a table at a restaurant.   Yes, true.  These are strangers, but they don't have to be. 
The key is in yourself:
- Be aware of the surroundings.  
- Look at people around you, smile at them, wonder what kind of persons they might be. 
So next time when you go grocery shopping, don't just stare at the melons, or whatever you fancy, entertain yourself with people around you.  See whether anyone catches your eyes.  Little by little, this will become your second nature.  You'll start to see many suitable people everywhere you go.   As for thow to start a conversation, that's a whole new story.  hehe...  But don't worry, we'll cover that in a later post.
One more tip for girls:  Make yourself approachable!  
Do you know how intimidating it is for a guy to walk over and start talking to you.  If you appear to be in a hurry, busy talking to your girlfriend, or so in love with the bukchoy on the shelf, he is not going to make his move.  So, be available and be friendly to everyone.  Smile!  And be encouraging!  When he does come over to talk to you, be nice and graceful.  You just won someone's admiration.  :)
Oh, look, there are only 2 boxes of ice cream left!  Time to do some shopping.  :P

1 comment:

  1. The problem is not how to meet your target. The problem is how to keep the relationship.


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