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Friday, March 15, 2013

Picture Perfect

There's no getting around it: we humans are very visual creatures!  Although we usually don't try to judge a book by its cover, we still make unconscious decisions based on appearance.  When online dating, the photos you use can either help you succeed, or lead to constant disappointment... 

On one hand, you shouldn't over-analyze the importance of your profile photos, since they are only part of your online presence and personality on 2RedBeans.  

But on the other hand, keep in mind that there are many good reasons to advertise for yourself when looking for Mr. or Ms. Right!

Here on 2RedBeans, the average number of photos used by both active female and male users isn't a lot at all, considering their importance.  2 photos? You could probably find more photos for a used IKEA couch on Craigslist!  Then again, if they are really stand-out, intriguing photos, two might be all you need.

At the same time, there are some users who like to put quite a few photos on their profile.

Men seem to be just a little more camera-shy than women all around.

The average person may find the photo aspect of creating their profile one of the most vexing.  You may worry that too many photos make you look vain, but too few might not let you stand out from the crowd.  Or what if it's too much information, and people judge you from your pictures before they read about you?  What if you want to preserve your mystery?

But then remember what your goal is: to obtain a connection and real-life meeting with someone compatible.  Consider how you judge the photos of your search results, and how important they are to your decision to wink or message the person.  Then tailor your own profile picture choices to attract that Ideal match you hope is searching for you right now.  In order to give yourself a fair shot, you must put your best foot forward, along with your best photos!

What do you consider when choosing photos for your online dating profile?  How many photos do you think is enough, or too much?

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