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Monday, January 24, 2011

Interracial marriages for Chinese and other Asian races. How often do they happen?

Interracial marriages are ubiquitous in the US. You might wonder how often it happens to Chinese and other Asian races? Here are the data.
89.5% Chinese men marry a Chinese woman v.s. 81.5% Chinese women marry a Chinese man.
Why is it that more Chinese women are married out of their own race than Chinese men? Off the top of my head, there are ...
  1. It takes two to tango. While Chinese men find non-Chinese women physically attractive, when it comes to marriage, they find more desirable qualities in Chinese women.
  2. In most cases, men are the pursuers. Chinese men in general are less aggressive compared with their non-Chinese competitors in the dating scene.
  3. Not only Chinese women, but Asian women in general are in hot demand. When the rush comes, there got to be some casualties.
What's your thought on this? Leave us a comment.
Source: US census 2007男同胞们, 肥水不能外流。把自己的profile写好点,帖上帅哥照片, 显示下咱的魅力。

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